Cinco de Mayo

Big Red Car here celebrating Cinco de Mayo here in the ATX.  Good as it gets, really.

On Earth as it is in Texas!

Cinco de Mayo celebrates the Mexican victory over the French in Puebla, Mexico on 5 May 1862.

On Cinco de Mayo you must eat fajitas and drink Mexican beer.  [That is really not true but The Boss likes to tell folks that and why not?  Everybody should have a reason to drink Mexican beer and eat fajitas, right?  Do not tell The Boss I told you this, he would be upset with me and I have been trying to get some work done.]

The reason this is very important — Cinco de Mayo — is that 4,000 Mexican troops drove off and defeated 8,000 French troops.  At the time, the French had the best army in the world and had been generally whipping booty for about 50 years.

Also, if the French had succeeded in conquering Mexico, they would likely have sided with the South in the American Civil War and that would have changed the outcome of the War of Northern Aggression, no?

So, today, hoist a cerveza and nibble on some fajitas and celebrate Cinco de Mayo.

On Earth as it is in Texas!

But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway?  I’m just a Big Red Car.

One thought on “Cinco de Mayo

  1. Funny you say that. We tried Chipotle for the first time yesterday. They have 3 new locations in Toronto. On Friday, the lunch line-up was insane, so I passed. But why are their portions so huge? 1 burrito can feed 2 people and it weighs like a brick. And is a smudge of guacamole worth $2.25 extra? I can buy 2 or 3 avocado’s for that price.

    Anyways, happy cinco de mayo.

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