Vision, Mission and All That Jazz
Big Red Car here. The Boss was out early this morning for a meeting and I got a chance to work on the computer a bit.
All this talk about Vision, Mission and all that jazz is making my head spin. Yours too?
Big Red Car here. The Boss was out early this morning for a meeting and I got a chance to work on the computer a bit.
All this talk about Vision, Mission and all that jazz is making my head spin. Yours too?
Big Red Car here. Going to be a great day in the ATX and why the Hell not? On Earth as it is in Connecticut? No, dear friends, on Earth as it is in Texas!
So, The Boss is laying out how to build the fundamental intellectual building blocks of a new company. Have you been paying attention? Yes, you have, Grasshopper and the Big Red Car appreciates it very much. Thank you.
Big Red Car here and here is the ATX. If you are in Austin today you know it is 70F, no humidity and a certain Mediterranean quality to the sunlight out there. And, there is a lot of sunlight.
It is also Cinco de Mayo — a big celebration down here in the former colony of Mexico.
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