
Vision — Selling and Living the Vision

Vision, Big Red Car?

Big Red Car here on a gloomy and threatening Texas morning in the ATX, which is still a great place to be even if there is thunder on the horizon. On Earth as it is in Heaven. [Haha, On Earth as it is in TEXAS! Were you paying attention?]

The Boss has been at this CEO coaching thing for about five years now. During that time period, he’s worked with a lot of CEOs and C suite potentates. Like all things, folks approach life and the business of CEOing in different ways and have different outcomes.

The Boss has told a very small number of CEOs — “This doesn’t look like it’s going to work.”

There has never been a single CEO with whom The Boss has had that conversation who has been surprised. Most of them came to him with their bags packed and The Boss told them they were right and discussed how to wind things up correctly.

The Boss is likely to be more optimistic than a troubled CEO because he has seen CEOs turn things around. When you have seen lead made into gold, you begin to think anyone can do it.

That is, unfortunately, not true. But, there is a common denominator amongst those who do and today we talk about that.

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Fleeting Entrepreneurial Contentment

Big Red Car here.  Ahhh, The Boss had a terrific day of pressure washing <<<link here yesterday and is about half through with the backyard.  Nice to see the Old Boy get his relaxation on from time to time.  He seems so damn content.

So The Boss was visiting with one of his brilliant CEOs and with no prodding the CEO offered up that times were good and he hoped he did nothing to screw it up.

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Vision Clarity

Big Red Car here.  Been a bit lazy lately what with The Boss out of town and the house sitter running me ragged.  I love the house sitter because he works me like a rented mule and keeps company with some very attractive young ladies.  He has an outstanding vision of how things ought to be with a lot of pool time and a lot of cruising with his babes.

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Company Culture — the Invisible Hand

Big Red Car here.  What a day in the ATX.  The Boss was out early and we took a quick ride through the neighborhood.  Everything is under control.

So, The Boss gets into a conversation with a young CEO and the young CEO poses the question — “Hey, what am I supposed to be doing about the Company Culture?”

WTF, sayeth The Boss and then they chat for a bit.  It is a long chat, but a very simple one.

Sayeth The Boss:  “You, my dear CEO, are the invisible hand which spawns and maintains the Company Culture.”

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