
Narcissists Exchanging Power

Narcissists, Big Red Car? Huh?

Bit of rain here in the otherwise perfect ATX — celebrating only two more days plus a wakeup until the Inauguration.

If you’re a soldier who has served overseas, you recognize the jargon. The days until the day you depart (DEROS — date of expected rotation from overseas) plus the requirement to wake up on that momentous day. So, there we have it — two days plus a wakeup and we get a new President.

In fact, we exchange the office of President between two narcissists. [OK, Big Red Car, I get it.]

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Trade — Fair, Free, Trump Trade

Today we speak of trade — fair trade, free trade, Trump trade.

It has been a little time since your Big Red Car has posted. Please accept my apology. I will do better in the future.

So, here we are with the issue of trade becoming a big argument in the Presidential election of 2016.

One candidate, Crooked Hillary, was/is for TPP (the TransPacific Partnership) while Donald Trump has been a huge critic of all trade deals suggesting they are one of the root causes of the offshoring of American jobs. Crooked Hillary is now not so much for the TPP and other trade agreements because a focus group told her her opinion.

Let us reason together, beloved readers, and see what a few facts may throw on the situation.

We shall focus on the famous Maquiladora economy on the Mexican side of the border with the United States.

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Chemotherapy Party Candidate? Trump

Chemotherapy? Really, Big Red Car? Ugh!

Big Red Car here on a glorious, sunny, Monday morning on the eve of the Republican convention in Cleveland.

Today, we talk about a framework within which to evaluate how Donald Trump might be viewed as it relates to the upcoming Presidential election. Today, the Republican convention starts, so we are trying to get you armed, intellectually, before the talking heads issue you your opinion.

Simple premise: Donald J Trump is the medicine, the chemotherapy, the nation needs to solve some big problems which, if left unattended much longer, will kill us.

That’s it. Now, you can go on with your lives. See you later, alligator.

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Donald the Disruptor Trump

Donald the Disruptor, we speak of him today but first, the weather report.

Big Red Car here, y’all. Bit rainy in the ATX but, hey, we like some rain. We don’t really need any rain as our lakes are filled to overflowing and we’re sending water downstream to the Gulf of Mexico and the rice farmers. Yes, Texas has rice farmers and, yes, they need water.

So, today, we chat about the nature of Donald the Disruptor. You may not have noticed but Donald J Trump has been “disrupting” the political landscape.

The political landscape has been trying to bury Donald and thus we know him as much as the disruptor and for the powerful forces he has aroused in opposition to his disruptive influence.

Disruption, in most things, is a healthy force though it may not look like it at first.

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The GOPe Dinosaur Olympics

Big Red Car here. Sort of gray in the ATX. Sort of gray in the world of the GOPe — the Republican Establishment.

OK, in case you’re still living under a rock, Donald Trump has now, apparently, run the table. The GOPe still doesn’t like it.

Yawn! Ooops, sorry.

The GOPe is that bunch who brought forth two losing Republican candidates — Romney, Stevens, Sasse, Kristol, Graham. Rock stars who need no first names cause they’re rock stars. Rock heads.

They are all #nevertrump guys, which is to say they want to see Hillary Clinton in YOUR White House.

They will crash the car to prevent Donald Trump — the same Donald Trump who has eliminated and defeated fourteen experienced and salty politicians, a captainess of industry, and a brain surgeon. That Donald Trump.

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Trump Ryan Speed Dating

Trump Ryan speed dating? Huh?

Big Red Car here. Rained hard last night. It’s May and we get our rains this time of year. Between now and Memorial Day (when we traditionally have floods), we will get a lot of rain. The lakes are already full, so the potential for flooding is high. Stay tuned.

So, Paul Ryan, and other Congressional GOPe brethren, have granted Donald Trump a Papal audience. I suspect that Donald will not be kissing anyone’s ring. Just guessing.

I predict that Paul Ryan, et al, will fall to Donald’s charms. We shall see. Otherwise, it may get messy.

Ryan beard photo

OK, I grew the beard to look cool and hip. My wife says it’s scratchy. My kids say I look like a dork.

So, what, Big Red Car, is really going on here? Reluctant hand maiden? Blushing bride? Hurt feelings?

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Bush League

Bush league? Huh?

Big Red Car here on a lovely Texas spring day. Ahhh, on Earth as it is in Texas, y’all!

So, today we talk about the Bush family.

The Bush family has given us some politicians since the first Bush, Sam Bush, came to the New World in 1647. George HW Bush was the best prepared President in history. he would have been a two term President but for that little shit, Ross Perot, who took 18% of the vote in the Bush-Clinton-Perot 1992 matchup. But, hey, you knew that, right?

They are described by historians as an American political dynasty.

As it turns out, they are also crybabies. Bush league!

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