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We do not want this kind of stuff getting out, do we?
Big Red Car here in the ATX on a lovely day. Got a call from Donald Trump, who said, “Big Red Car, you’re handy with numbers, right?” Before he said anything else, I knew he was talking about the WALL.
“Yes, Donald, I am,” says I.
“How would YOU finance the WALL, Big Red Car?”
To which I reply, “Well, Donald, I’d put a little tariff on imports and exports. That’s what I’d do.”
“Will that work, Big Red Car?” asks That Donald.
“Of course, it’ll work, Donald.”
“Thanks, Big Red Car.”
“Best to Melania, Donnie. See you when the WALL is finished.”
[Melania loves the Big Red Car. Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge!]
Big Red Car here in the ATX watching the phenomenon called The Donald.
It is getting a little stale but nobody has been able to bring the fellow down and a lot of folks have tried. He has provided his opponents with lots of ammunition and he has re-supplied them regularly.
Between now and the next debate, the herd is going to thin a bit.
Likely casualties? Rand, Lindsey, Gilmore, Perry, Huck, Pataki (already gone, right?), New Jersey Slim or Fats, Santorum, Jindal. Continue reading
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