
Catching The Late Train — The Trump Inaugural Fund Express

There is nothing like winning. Nothing.

Against incredible odds, lawfare, two assassination attempts, this guy — Trump 2.0 — won it all. Now, he has to govern. God bless and protect him.

Witness now the behavior of the Tech Illuminati, the Billionaires, and the major corporations all vying to get a seat on the Trump Train. Continue reading


Malicious Prosecution + Election Interference = Lawfare

Today in Manhattan, the Republican nominee for the office of President of the United States is defending himself against criminal charges alleged by the Manhattan (New York County) District Attorney, Alvin Bragg.

Bragg, like Letitia James, New York Attorney General, ran for office on the platform of holding Donald J Trump “accountable” for all his bad actions — which bad actions at the time he was unable to elucidate. Bragg, like James, had his man and now had to find his crime.

I will walk you down the pathway to show how we got here. Bear with me. Continue reading


Narcissists Exchanging Power

Narcissists, Big Red Car? Huh?

Bit of rain here in the otherwise perfect ATX — celebrating only two more days plus a wakeup until the Inauguration.

If you’re a soldier who has served overseas, you recognize the jargon. The days until the day you depart (DEROS — date of expected rotation from overseas) plus the requirement to wake up on that momentous day. So, there we have it — two days plus a wakeup and we get a new President.

In fact, we exchange the office of President between two narcissists. [OK, Big Red Car, I get it.]

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Trump, Anger and the Rust Belt

Trump won the Rust Belt, huh?

Big Red Car here on a day in which I am still feeling the glow of our new President-elect Donald J Trump. I voted for him though I admit it was by the process of elimination in that the other candidate was not a possibility.

I was not amazed that he won. For months, I have been saying that everybody has missed the anger which was demonstrated by the Republican sweep of the 2014 mid-term elections. It did not go away but it did fester.

America, in 2014, was so angry they gave the Republicans the Senate, a larger majority in the House, many Governors’ mansions, and many statehouses. It was the largest repudiation of a sitting President and his party since the 1920s.

President Obama chose to ignore it, instead whipping out his pen and cell phone resulting in a great number of Executive Orders which are slowly being dismantled by the courts and which will be put in their grave by the Trump administration (first time I have used those words together).

So, how, Big Red Car, did President-elect Trump pull this surprise off?

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Chemotherapy Party Candidate? Trump

Chemotherapy? Really, Big Red Car? Ugh!

Big Red Car here on a glorious, sunny, Monday morning on the eve of the Republican convention in Cleveland.

Today, we talk about a framework within which to evaluate how Donald Trump might be viewed as it relates to the upcoming Presidential election. Today, the Republican convention starts, so we are trying to get you armed, intellectually, before the talking heads issue you your opinion.

Simple premise: Donald J Trump is the medicine, the chemotherapy, the nation needs to solve some big problems which, if left unattended much longer, will kill us.

That’s it. Now, you can go on with your lives. See you later, alligator.

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Donald the Disruptor Trump

Donald the Disruptor, we speak of him today but first, the weather report.

Big Red Car here, y’all. Bit rainy in the ATX but, hey, we like some rain. We don’t really need any rain as our lakes are filled to overflowing and we’re sending water downstream to the Gulf of Mexico and the rice farmers. Yes, Texas has rice farmers and, yes, they need water.

So, today, we chat about the nature of Donald the Disruptor. You may not have noticed but Donald J Trump has been “disrupting” the political landscape.

The political landscape has been trying to bury Donald and thus we know him as much as the disruptor and for the powerful forces he has aroused in opposition to his disruptive influence.

Disruption, in most things, is a healthy force though it may not look like it at first.

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The GOPe Dinosaur Olympics

Big Red Car here. Sort of gray in the ATX. Sort of gray in the world of the GOPe — the Republican Establishment.

OK, in case you’re still living under a rock, Donald Trump has now, apparently, run the table. The GOPe still doesn’t like it.

Yawn! Ooops, sorry.

The GOPe is that bunch who brought forth two losing Republican candidates — Romney, Stevens, Sasse, Kristol, Graham. Rock stars who need no first names cause they’re rock stars. Rock heads.

They are all #nevertrump guys, which is to say they want to see Hillary Clinton in YOUR White House.

They will crash the car to prevent Donald Trump — the same Donald Trump who has eliminated and defeated fourteen experienced and salty politicians, a captainess of industry, and a brain surgeon. That Donald Trump.

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