The Big Red Car is a fan of Tesla, the idea of a new kind of electric car is exciting. It has been a “thing” for a decade. The BRC is, however, skeptical of the leadership of Tesla, specifically Elon Musk.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk smoking a perfectly legal joint while being interviewed by Joe Rogan for a podcast. Rogan offered the joint to Musk after saying he had rolled the weed in tobacco leaves. Asked how often he partakes, Musk said, “Almost never.” Prior to this, Musk and Rogan had been chatting while enjoying some Old Camp on the rocks. They discussed expensive cars, watches, the dangers of artificial intelligence, space travel, terra-farming on Mars, and weed. The interview started at 9:30 PM and lasted until 12:15 AM.
Is it possible to be a fan of a product and a skeptic of a company? Concerned about the stability of a CEO? Apparently.
Several odd things have caught my Big Red eye.
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