
Size Matters

Big Red Car here.  Nice cooooooooooooooool night but WTF about this humidity?  Almost 80% — that’s like freakin’ Houston.  Houston, we’ve got a problem!  Haha, Big Red Car, you are starting early today.  Cut the crap, Big Red Car and get on with today’s story.

So the house sitter runs the snot out of the Big Red Car last night but almost forgets to fill me up with gas — petrol to you Brits.  The kid forgets to gas me up.  The Boss is going to hear about this, you can bet on it.  I limp into the gas station and finally get filled up after the kid finally finds my gas tank behind the license plate.  Where do they get these kids from?

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“Whip Out” — a technical finance term for entrepreneurs

Big Red Car here.  Wanted to go out for coffee with The Boss but he had something on his mind and made pancakes and bacon at home instead.  That always puts The Boss in a good mood but only on Saturdays.

So he took a phone call this morning and got talking about “whip out”.

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