
Fleeting Entrepreneurial Contentment

Big Red Car here.  Ahhh, The Boss had a terrific day of pressure washing <<<link here yesterday and is about half through with the backyard.  Nice to see the Old Boy get his relaxation on from time to time.  He seems so damn content.

So The Boss was visiting with one of his brilliant CEOs and with no prodding the CEO offered up that times were good and he hoped he did nothing to screw it up.

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Cool New Website — PEGGSITE.COM

Big Red Car here.  Hey, rain in the ATX and a huge lightning delay in the Longhorns v Texas Christian University.  Longhorns v Christians?  Final score after the long lightning delay: 30-7.

Horns prevail over Horned Frogs, well, Christian horned frogs, no?

So The Boss is talking up a cool new website called peggsite.com.  Go check it out.

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Vision Clarity

Big Red Car here.  Been a bit lazy lately what with The Boss out of town and the house sitter running me ragged.  I love the house sitter because he works me like a rented mule and keeps company with some very attractive young ladies.  He has an outstanding vision of how things ought to be with a lot of pool time and a lot of cruising with his babes.

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The Character Traits and Skills of the Successful CEO — Organization

Big Red Car here.  Another great day in the ATX and why not?  So we’ve been chatting about what makes a successful CEO, those critical character traits and skills that seem to be possessed by those rare beasties.  Things that others can emulate and copy on their way to success.  [Hey, “monkey see” “monkey do” is a legitimate personal growth strategy, haha, Big Red Car.]

One of those elements of success at the CEO level is the ability to organize things in an orderly manner and to harness the clarity of that organization to provide insights as to how to proceed — how to take the next step.  In many ways, organization is the prelude to preparation.  Preparation is prelude to action.

Organize, prepare, act — hmmm, sounds similar to crawl, walk, run.  They are related, Old Sport.  Oh, yes, they are.

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Company Culture — Clear Definition

Big Red Car here.  OK, Old Sport, summer is here.  Going to have a few isolated thunderstorms today and then it is going to to be hot, hot, hot for the rest of June.  Oh, I love summer!  Summer in the ATX!  On Earth as it is in Austin, Texas!

So, let’s get back on the Company Culture rant and today we are going to talk about the notion of Clear Definition.  WTF, Big Red Car, what is that?

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Strategy v Tactics v Objectives

Big Red Car here.  Going to be a great day in the ATX and why the Hell not?  On Earth as it is in Connecticut?  No, dear friends, on Earth as it is in Texas!

So, The Boss is laying out how to build the fundamental intellectual building blocks of a new company.  Have you been paying attention?  Yes, you have, Grasshopper and the Big Red Car appreciates it very much.  Thank you.

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Weaving the Tapestry of Business

Big Red Car here.  Cool night and The Boss is up early this morning.  He loves a Saturday morning.  Pancakes and bacon, perhaps?  Bit of fresh 10W30, please pass the clean air filter?  Haha, Big Red Car, you crack yourself up.

So The Boss was musing about the “tapestry of business” — all the individual threads that must be woven together to make a coherent whole.  It is a structural notion that requires a strong core, a stout wearing surface and a lovely pattern.  It has to be strong, wear well and turn a pretty face to the public.  Most importantly, it has to be real and authentic.

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