
Are You Better Off Today Than You Were Four Years Ago?

Comes before us now the ultimate test question for the efficacy of an incumbent President.

Are you better off today than you were four years ago?

It is a fair question, though many incumbents do not want to troll such a definitive report card before the electorate.

Gallup, the polling pros, routinely ask this question of registered voters. The results?

July 1984 — 44% say they are better off — Ronald Reagan (re-elected)

October 1992 — 38% say they are better off — George HW Bush (defeated)

October 1994 — 47% say they are better off — Bill Clinton (re-elected)

December 2012 — 45% say they are better off — Barack Obama (re-elected)

September 2020 — 56% say they are better off — Donald Trump


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The Beclowning of Presidential Debates

If you were unfortunate enough to have watched the Presidential Debate Road Show that blew into Cleveland last night, then you will not be surprised when I opine it was a bloody 3-ring circus.

The debate starring POTUS Trump (a man who must swear off caffeinated coffee at night) featured a spirited chat with Chris Wallace (the supposed ringmaster who never got the assignment clear in his head). From time-to-time, former Vice President Joe Biden participated.

Chris Wallace managed to undue two generations of his own family’s involvement with both journalism and debate moderation in less than a minute. Though the debate was a 9-round 90 minute format, Chris lost control within ten seconds.

Chris is likely lying stunned in a thumb-sucking, fetal position trying to sort out the question for the ages: WTF just happened?

Here is how the Russian Judge scored the fight cards. The opinion of the Russian Judge is very important because, of course, the Russians are scheduled to spend another $70,000 in social media ads amongst the malestrom of $6B in election spending to influence the 2020 election.

The Russian Judge watching and evaluating the Circus in Cleveland last night.

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Take The Shot, Mr. President

So, here we stand on the edge of the precipice, at a pivotal moment in the history of our Republic with the entire fate of the Nation held hostage.

Bullshit. We aren’t even close to the precipice and this supposedly pivotal moment in the history of the Republic was all figured out by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution.

The only people alarmed are morons who have never read the Constitution.

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Peace In The Middle East?

English Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain came home from a meeting with Hitler in Munich in September 1938 with the triumphant notion that he brought with him “peace for our times” in the form of some nonsensical agreement with a treacherous tyrant, Adolf Hitler.

Very few men were able to realize that you cannot make peace with a wolf by feeding it. When it is hungry, it will come again to the world’s door and that is exactly what happened.

Lord Hugh Cecil, an English contemporary politician would describe it like “scratching a crocodile’s head in the hope of making it purr.”

Chamberlain had a piece of paper, a set of words — nothing of substance.

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President Trump v The Generals — WHY?

Comes now the Generals complaining of President Trump, their Commander-in-Chief. Their complaints stem from some basic realities:

 1. When President Obama had the reins and was promoting socially-woke, petri-dish, social-engineering Generals focused on getting women through Ranger School (whose records all disappeared) and transgender battalions, he and they opined that it would take a decade to “attrit” the bums known as ISIS even though they were the Junior Varsity.

Then this draft-dodging, bone-spurious, military-high-school-grad President Trump changed the rules of engagement (ROE), sent some Marine artillery units to Iraq, demanded that bombers sortie forth with primary, secondary, and tertiary targets — do not return with bombs — and, voila, in less than two years ISIS was no longer a viable force.

Donald Trump's high-school classmates share memories - Business Insider

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Middle East Peace — One Step Closer

Comes now the recent rapprochement between the United Arab Emirates and the State of Israel. But, first, some background, shall we?

Our country has been indelibly marked by the status of peace in the Middle East in four important ways:

 1. We have supported Israel through a series of wars with the 1973 Yom Kippur War almost ending with a tragic outcome that was prevented by direct American military material support.

Had the US not sent replacement tanks to make up battlefield losses against the Syrians in the Golan Heights, the Syrians might have taken Tel Aviv. It was a very close thing.

Prime Minister Golda Meir made a phone call to President Nixon and in that same hour American tanks were loaded onto American aircraft, off loaded in Tel Aviv, and sent into battle with no time to even over paint the American stars. It was that close.

Israel continues to be the most powerful democracy in a region dominated by despots.

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Tactics, Political Tactics

Outcomes in life are determined by the tactics you employ with which to grapple with it.

If you were spit out by a military school, as was I, you will learn basic infantry tactics like attacking a hill with a platoon of 50 men employing something called “fire and maneuver.”

Part of the platoon fires whilst the balance maneuvers, you reverse rolls until you are within hand grenade range whereat you fling a few grenades before closing with and killing the enemy.

It is delightfully simple when confronting the idea with pen and ink, but more troubling when done for real.

You will quickly learn that attacking a hill with a bunch of cadets who will have their turn soon enough is vastly different than doing the same thing when someone is shooting at you and your ranks are peopled with men who are having second thoughts about their career choice.

What you quickly learn is that tactics, successful tactics, require action. You will also want to know that the other guy has likely had a bit of instruction on defending a hill.

This will quickly devolve into a classic clash of wills as does much of life.

The one with the better tactics will win the encounter. Winning in the military racket is highly prized and there is actually no substitute for success.

So, now we turn to the issue of the COVID Relief Package and a lesson on tactics.

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Igor Danchenko — Who Is He?

For the last three and a half years we have been treated to a sexy tale of former British spies, Russian sources, all manner of bad doings by Candidate Trump and then President Trump, allegations of Russian collusion, all types of breathlessly leaked stories by the senior management of the premier law enforcement entity in the galaxy, and a media able to confirm, make up, fabricate all sorts of bad things.

It has been James Bond-esque.

Imagine our surprise to find out last week that the source, the deep Russian source of all of the promised, sworn Russia-based evidence is a Russian emigre who lives in the United States and has forever.

As you may have gathered from the title of his blog post, his name is IGOR DANCHENKO.

Thank God he at least has a Russian name.

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