

About a year ago, the US experienced an INSURRECTION, right?

An insurrection is a riot, revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or a government.

Insurrectionist holding a souvenir lectern whilst remaining inside the maroon velvet ropes in the Statuary Hall of the US Capitol.

Did the events of 6 January 2020 constitute an insurrection? It depends upon whom you ask. Continue reading


Taking The Hispanic Vote For Granted

The United States is approximately 18.5% Hispanic while America is 13.4% black.

The Hispanic vote has typically been much heavier on the Democrat side than the Republicans, but this is changing.

How’s it changing, Big Red Car?

Here, dear reader, is how it is changing:

 1. In the 2016 Presidential election, Hispanics voted 66% for Hillary Clinton and 28% for Donald Trump.

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The Arizona Audit — Some Thoughts

As you may be aware, the Republican controlled State Senate in Arizona ordered — after much machinations and some very odd conflict with the Republican controlled Maricopa County Board of Supervisors — a “forensic” audit of the recent state election limited to Maricopa County (Phoenix).

Nobody knew exactly what was meant by a forensic audit, but now things are coming into focus.

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Drive By Impeachment

Today, the 44th day of December 2020, the House of Representatives, led by the 80-year-0ld, newly re-elected, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, is conducting a drive by impeachment of the POTUS Donald J Trump.

“We couldn’t get COVID relief done in 8 months (wink, wink), but we can get impeachment done in a week, right?”

We are seven days from the inauguration of Joe Biden as POTUS whereafter the healing and the uniting will begin in earnest.

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The Martyrdom of Donald J Trump

The United States survived a sacking of its Capitol for only the second time in its history, the last being 24 August 1814 orchestrated by Irish-born, British Major General Robert Ross who put a torch to the buildings of the US government and its military including the Capitol, the Presidential Mansion (we would call it the White House today), and a great number of other buildings.

His role in that victory was highly celebrated though he himself would be killed by American sharpshooters in the Battle of Baltimore. Karma is a bitch and should be.

The Burning of Washington painted by Paul de Thoyras

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The Nightmare Recedes

As I write, Americans are being vaccinated against the COVID19 virus within the same zip code in which I sit. It began four hours ago.

For some reason it reminds me of D-Day, the radio reports wherein our countrymen listened with anticipation:

“This morning, under the command of General Eisenhower, Allied naval forces supported by strong air forces began landing Allied armies on the northern coast of France.”

Within five days, more than 326,000 Allied troops would have landed with more than 100,000 tons of equipment and Paris would be liberated two and a half months later with the Germans destroyed within a year.

I wish the same fate to COVID.

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The Vaccines Are Coming At Warp Speed

We have been greeted with good news of late — two vaccines, both built on an mRNA model, meaning an engineered solution rather than a dead vaccine model — will apply shortly for an Emergency Use Authorization from the Food and Drug Agency based on the successful completion of Phase 3, large scale (44,000 persons) trials and the attendant data with both showing an efficacy rate of 95%.

Efficacy rates, Big Red Car?

To put that 95% number into perspective, know that the common flu vaccine has an efficacy rate of 40-60% — meaning it shelters 40-60% of Americans who receive the shot from the flu.

So, the 95% efficacy rate for the engineered model is quite extraordinary.

American health officials required a 50% efficacy rate, had hoped for 60-70%, and are deliriously happy at 95%.

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