
The Chinese/Mexican Fentanyl Invasion of the United States

As you are undoubtedly aware, the Biden admin has declared the US – Mexico border to be open and accessible to all peoples from the world over.

There is a bloody flood of illegal immigrants disregarding the legal pathway to immigration and inundating the border. This is as a result of the Biden policy of free flowing open border.

In accordance with that declaration, since Inauguration Day, the Biden admin has admitted more than 2,000,000 “refugees” seeking asylum — yes, they are all anxiously and diligently awaiting a court proceeding some 18-24  months in the future to determine their status. And, yes, they will appear. [This is sarcasm.].

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The Empire Strikes Back

Russia is feeling the pain of western sanctions and has begun to attempt to punch back. The problem is they have very limited power when they are financially ostracized by the west.

One more time: The Russian economy as measured by Gross Domestic Product is 25% smaller than Italy and its GDP is going to crater with the sanctions. This is the real problem. Russia economically is a pimple on the world’s economic ass. 

Russia is a gas station with a coal bin out back. Continue reading