
Secretary of Trans Pete Buttigieg, A Dummy’s Best Friend

File this under “things you can’t believe your government is wasting time on with your money.”

Pete Buttigieg, partner to Chasten the Magnificent and father/mother to twins, and former ineffective mayor of South Bend, Indiana, has brought his unique sense of empathy and massive raw intelligence to the job of Secretary of Transportation under another man with a “cathedral mind,” Joe Biden.

As Secretary of Transportation, Secretary Pete has intervened in a critical concern, one you undoubtedly have been pondering for years, that of the gender identification of crash dummies. Continue reading


The Inflation, CPI, PPI, Earnings Boogie

I think everyone in the United States understands we have entered a period of increasing prices — inflation. Nobody thinks it is actually going to be transitory.

Even the Biden admin says it’s going to be here through the end of 2023 after suggesting it would magically disappear by the end of 2021. Nay, not so.

Those who are students of the economy will fairly point at the extraordinarily naïve energy policy actions of the Biden admin as a trigger point or at least a milestone.

Nobody has missed that the price of gasoline has doubled since Joe Biden took office.

Glendale, California

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True The Vote v IRS

True The Vote, headed by Catherine Englebrecht, in a decade long fight has won an overwhelming victory in its Complaint against the Internal Revenue Service’s “slow playing” its application for IRS tax-exempt status.

A Judge has found that the IRS (Lois Lerner being the main antagonist) engaged in unconstitutional discrimination, conducted itself unethically, and acted in “bad faith” thereby entitling True The Vote to a multiple of its legal fees as a means of punishing the IRS and rewarding True The Vote.

This is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge as it uncovers the bad acts of the IRS, its coordination with the US Congress in the person of Democrat Senator Barbara Boxer and Democrat Congressman Elijah Cummings, and the involvement of the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration during the Obama administration.

Weaponization of government, anyone? Here is the Texas woman who has been fighting the good fight for a decade, meet Catherine Engelbrecht.


Image result for images true the vote

Whoa, really, Big Red Car? You’re going to have to explain that to me.

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Worshiping Satan With the Internal Revenue Service

OK, so I admit I haven’t been writing too much about Satanic Worship for the last few years, but something caught my eye the other day and I need to weigh in on it.

Krampus, Mask, Customs, Austria, Advent, Devil, Angry

Recently, the Internal Revenue Service recognized The Satanic Temple as a tax-exempt entity — yes, you read that correctly — challenging the adage that the only certain things in life are death and taxes. Now, if you want to worship Satan, The Satanic Temple doesn’t have to pay taxes.

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Liars & Leakers

Washington DC is filled to overflowing with classified information, classified information which continues to regularly appear in the media from the New York Times to the Washington Post to the Internet news sites. It is an epidemic.

It is a crime (Sec 793 of the Espionage Act lays it out) to reveal classified information.

 1. Reveal national defense information to someone who is not cleared to receive it — gets you a fine plus up to 10 years in prison.

 2. If you “steal” that information, you get 10 years and a fine.

 3. If the information is classified and pertinent to US or foreign communications intel activities – means and methods – yep, 10 years and a fine.

 4. If you obtain access to classified info by means of computer access without authorization or beyond the authorization you hold, you get 10 years plus a fine.

 5. If you disclose the identity of a covert agent (of any part of the government), directly or indirectly, you get 15 years plus a fine.

 6. If you lie to the FBI or obstruct a criminal investigation about classified information, you can be sentenced from 5 to 20 years in prison.

This is some serious stuff; and, yet, it happens all the time.

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Politics, Not Everything Is Political

Big Red Car here and I’m really angry. Vexed. Irked. Pissed off. I have waited until almost noon to write this so my anger might dissipate and my calm might temper my comments. It has not worked.

Last night during President Trump’s State of the Trump talk to a joint session of Congress, the President honored the widow of SEAL Ryan Owens.


The press reported it as the longest sustained standing ovation in the history of such things. Watching Carryn Owens cry on public display was a touching moment. If you were untouched, then go see your doctor and ask him, “Do I have a heart?”

It was heartbreaking, because when everyone else went home last night to their loved ones, she did not. Her husband SEAL Ryan Owens was killed on a raid against terrorists in Yemen.

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House/Senate Republicans Denied Access to Men’s Rooms

Big Red Car here. The Boss is in the ‘Boat sliding down the slopes with little sticks attached to his big feet. Why? Why, Boss?

Meanwhile, here in the ATX, me and the house sitter are enjoying the 65F sunny weather with the top down. Haha. Do not tell The Boss.

So, in a surprise announcement the House and the Senate Republicans were caught flat footed when the Capitol police informed them that they would no longer be allowed to use the men’s rooms in the Capitol and the Capitol Complex. Continue reading