
The Next WeWork

In looking at “things” I am always surprised that nobody seems to be able to find the “worst” companies out there. It seems like that should be an easy task.

I am not talking about companies that fail quickly in their infancy because the market spits the bit on their idea, but companies who fail because their monumental “success” is built on a foundation of feces. [In this instance, we are talking only $250,000,000 in funding, not quite WeWork $$$.]

Case in point? WeWork which was spotted from its genesis (by those who had a smidgen of real world, commercial real estate knowledge) as a horribly bastardized nightmare in an industry that has been around forever — FOREVER.

I wrote about the company, WeWork, some time ago.

We IPO — You Work, I Work, WeWork

I was critical at the time of its Messianic founder and his “real estate as a service” mantra. In retrospect, I could have been more critical and I was pretty damn critical. Continue reading


Convertible Debt

Big Red Car here.  Well, it’s cold and raw here in the ATX.  Not convertible weather which gets me thinking about a different type of convertible — convertible debt.

The Boss received several questions as to when and how convertible debt would be used by a startup.  This explanation will give you the basics.

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Fundraising developments

Big Red Car here.  The Boss is back in town through the rest of the year — well, except for a visit to NYC and a couple of weeks of skiing in early December.  The Boss likes that skiing.  It’s already snowed in the Rockies.

This morning he was up early and had a conversation with one of his CEOs that he’s had about a thousand times — raising money.  It’s what CEOs do whether they like it or not.

Most CEOs do not like raising money.

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Organizing to Raise Capital for the Startup and Small Business

Big Red Car here.  Oh boy, what a day!  Here in the ATX all is good.  On Earth as it is in Texas, ya’ll.

The Boss has been to a couple of meetings already and was giving a young startup CEO a bit of his accumulated wisdom on how to organizeh is affairs to hit the fundraising trail.

“Get a tin cup!”  Haha, Big Red Car, you are a wag.  The Boss did not tell the CEO to get a tin cup.  Well, yes, I guess he did.

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