
From Whence The Lesson?

Life is a continuum of learning. When you stop learning, your brain atrophies and it is a headlong slide into the grave. But, how do we really learn in life?

The Lesson >>> The Test >>> The Learning

In a good many things we are prepared by formal teaching, followed by testing, and then consolidating the learning.

One would not want to try to learn how to fly an airplane by oneself. You agree? Continue reading


Startup, Founder Super Power — IGNORANCE

In the world of startups, founders:

“Know what they know” — which is often a substantial body of knowledge.

Some, “know what they don’t know” — for which they find co-founders to buttress or they learn.

All startup founders “don’t know what they don’t know” — which gives rise to the super power called “ignorance.”

One of the great truths of founders is they will not be talked off what the world judges to be a stupid idea because they are not knowledgeable enough to know it is a bad idea. Continue reading


For Founders Only — The Thrill Of It All

In life we get paid in cash, ego enrichment, and self-esteem nourishment.

There are certain things that only a founder can experience or appreciate in the ego enrichment and self-esteem nourishment arena.

Here is a list:

 1. Only a founder gets the thrill of finalizing — owning — an idea that is either an aspirin (removes some of the pain of living) or a vitamin (improves the quality of life) — or both.

 2. Only a founder gets the final say on the name of the company. Jeff Bezos and his wife picked the name “Amazon.”

Same thing on the logo. You do this. You get the thrill.

One of my favorite logos. It comes from the corner of the Littlefield Building, an historic building at the corner of Sixth and Congress in Austin By God Texas, USA.

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