
Legacy v startup cultures

Big Red Car here.  Nice, lovely crisp day in the ATX.  Going to be a beauty–move to Texas kind of wonderful.  But, hey, you already knew that.

So The Boss’s offspring are an investment banker and a startup graphic designer.  One foot in a legacy company wrestling with becoming a more timely enterprise and a startup going through adolescence.  Got The Boss thinking about evolving ways to run a business. Continue reading


Entrepreneurial Panic

Big Red Car here.  Another day in paradise where the summer extends until, say, well — it never really ends except for our 5-day winters.  On Earth as it is in Texas!

So The Boss is reading about a discussion of “entrepreneurial panic” and had a few thoughts he shared with one of his brilliant CEO clients.  I listened in and here is what they talked about.

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Company Culture — Clear Definition

Big Red Car here.  OK, Old Sport, summer is here.  Going to have a few isolated thunderstorms today and then it is going to to be hot, hot, hot for the rest of June.  Oh, I love summer!  Summer in the ATX!  On Earth as it is in Austin, Texas!

So, let’s get back on the Company Culture rant and today we are going to talk about the notion of Clear Definition.  WTF, Big Red Car, what is that?

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