
Bush League

Bush league? Huh?

Big Red Car here on a lovely Texas spring day. Ahhh, on Earth as it is in Texas, y’all!

So, today we talk about the Bush family.

The Bush family has given us some politicians since the first Bush, Sam Bush, came to the New World in 1647. George HW Bush was the best prepared President in history. he would have been a two term President but for that little shit, Ross Perot, who took 18% of the vote in the Bush-Clinton-Perot 1992 matchup. But, hey, you knew that, right?

They are described by historians as an American political dynasty.

As it turns out, they are also crybabies. Bush league!

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Trump, Exclusive Interview

Story line today, Making Trump Great Again?

Big Red Car here. Sort of a grayish day but it’s going to be bright and sunny before it’s over. 55F — brrrr — headed to 85F.

So, yesterday is a big day for one Donald Trump. The Big Red Car calls him on his private cell phone number and we chat for a few minutes.

“So, Mr. Trump, big day, no?” asks me, the Big Red Car.

“Yes, Big Red Car., huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge!”

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Trump – Example of Scaling Well?

Donald Trump and the Big Red Car here in the ATX — going to be another great day. On Earth as it is in Texas, y’all! [Haha, no Trump here.]

So, today, we turn ourselves to one Donald Trump as an exemplar of how a startup is able to grow and scale and deal with the issues of a startup enterprise. This is NOT a political commentary. It is about the startup business.

Trump, of course, is a businessman and has engaged in the Art of the Deal and the art of the spin off or side deal — Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump Breath Freshener, Trump Deodorant Footpads — you get the idea.

In fact, the Trump campaign is a spin off of his own massive ego, natural leadership ability, and hunger for power. That is NOT intended as a slight but rather a recitation of the truth without serving any homage to political correctness. As you well know, dear reader, Donald does not approve of political correctness, so we follow his lead here today.

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Beclowning the Presidency

Big Red Car here in the 66F early morning looking for a few clouds and an 84F high. Ahhh, the last vestiges of winter are very nice in the ATX. [What does beclowning mean, Big Red Car? Forget the weather report, beclowning?]

So, enroute to the morning news shows and then church the Big Red Car is torn by the current nature of the American presidency and the hunt for the next President.

It is only eight months until election day. It is happening, y’all. New President, y’all. Can’t wait!

We are engaged in what can only be described as a circus of a primary season. Netflix is complaining that their viewership is being diverted to the media coverage of the campaign.

Others are just adapting and getting into clown costumes to go with the flow. [Who says Hillary won’t do anything to get elected?]

Hillary clown nose pic

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Democracy v Delegates

Big Red Car here on the morning after a shellacking by Ted Cruz on Donald Trump in Wisconsin. Well played, Lying Ted.

Lying Ted took 36 delegates while Bombastic Donald was left with table scraps of 6 delegates. Donald can’t be happy with that, can he? Hell, he even brought Melania to stump for him. Strong. Very strong!

All this talk of delegates. I thought we were a democracy and just “electing” a nominee. Right? Hey, Big Red Car, right?

Haha, so charming you are. Let me catch my breath and carsplain this to y’all.

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Hating the Waiting

Big Red Car here in the gently moist wonder that is the ATX. On Earth as it is in Texas.

This is an odd year because of the impending Presidential election made all the weirder by the odd bunch of candidates that have been assembled and weeded through. One must say that the Republicans get high marks for the size of their field and the high energy (except, apparently, for Jeb Bush) of its robust, rodeo like selection process. “Rodeo like” meaning that not too many have been able to sit that bull and get the eight second whistle.

The future of the US, in this interesting time, is in the hands of a 94-year old white socialist, a 70-year old white liar, a 69-year old white bombastic businessman, and another woefully unprepared low mileage white Senator whose real name is Rafael. He looks like a Rafael, doesn’t he?

I think of them as Dopey, Sleazy, Braggy, and Creepy.

Of course, I am poorly educated, ill-informed, and a sinner. That’s me. Continue reading


Revolutions Are Not Bloodless

Big Red Car in the midst of SXSW — the cool folk just call it “South By”, y’all. Face it, you’re cool.

Now this ATX brilliantly warm weather — 68F right now and headed to 85F, yes, that’s cool.

So, there is a revolution going out there — the “people” are finally taking the “establishment” to task.

It is, of course, Donald Trump’s fault which the media and the punditry and the “establishment” have all trumpeted thereby giving Donald Trump even more media coverage.

[Just for the record, I think that even President Obama has agreed that everything is now Donald Trump’s fault thereby releasing George W Bush from solitary confinement during which everything was “Bush’s Fault!”]

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