
You Own Your Employees’ Problems, Right?

Big Red Car here.  I’ve been listening to The Boss complain how damn cold it is in NYC.  [He’s such a hot house Texan, no?  Haha, Boss, that was your choice to go hang out in a blizzard, no?]

Going to be 72F today and sunny in the ATX, Boss.  [Hahaha, this one’s on you, Boss.]

So The Boss is constantly working with his brilliant CEOs and they are constantly talking about their team members and their problems.

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The Character Traits and Skills of the Successful CEO — Experimentation

Big Red Car here.  It’s zero dark thirty here in the ATX and it’s a bit cool for us hot house creatures.  It’s right at 39F with a forecasted high of 43F and a low of 24F.  Brrrrr!

So what does it take to be a successful CEO?  You’re going to have to conduct some experiments — experimentation, Old Sport.

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Emotion — An Essential Element in Investing?

Big Red Car here.  Hey, ya’ll, it’s as cold as a witch’s titty in a brass bra here in the ATX.  The 30’s are doing battle with the 40’s and there is some chatter about it getting to 60F today.  Brrrr!

[Haha, STFU, Big Red Car, the folks in NYC and Boston are dealing with a freakin’ blizzard.  So stop your whining.]

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Discipline — Blind Spots

Big Red Car here.  Going to be a great day in the ATX.  Nice cold, crisp, sunny day.

So you probably watched a bit of college football yesterday, no?  The Boss loves college football and is often mumbling that college football is very much like the startup business.  [I think he’s just trying to justify how damn much college football he’s been watching lately.  Bowl games, yeah!]

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Convertible Debt

Big Red Car here.  Well, it’s cold and raw here in the ATX.  Not convertible weather which gets me thinking about a different type of convertible — convertible debt.

The Boss received several questions as to when and how convertible debt would be used by a startup.  This explanation will give you the basics.

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