
The Physics of Business Process

Big Red Car here. Glorious day yesterday in the ATX. Going to be 70F and sunny today. Ahhh.

In business there is an element of physics — the study of matter and its motion through space and time — which shows up in the processes which any enterprise embraces.

Superior processes and capabilities result in superior outcomes. A process is a tool to automate the means of achieving a desired outcome. It is a tool when done well. Continue reading


Unicorn Hunting Season

Big Red Car here. Ahhh, back to the great times in the ATX, y’all. I know you’re jealous. Who wouldn’t be?

Going to be 76F today. Ahhh, on Earth as it is in Texas! The ATX.

So The Boss was talking with one of his brilliant CEOs who took his advice and bought an Old Economy company and transformed it into a New Economy company. Oil Patch company. Continue reading


The Tactical Business Plan

Big Red Car here. Ahh, the ATX, it’s lovely to live in paradise. The Boss is back, so finally it’s back to writing regularly. Hey, Boss, nice to have you back.

So The Boss is involved with Techstars Austin as a Mentor and meets all the teams on Mentor Day or some such thing. Very impressive folks and startups. Continue reading


Amazon — Bully of the Boardwalk?

Big Red Car here. Going to be a warm one here in the ATX but then today is the second day of June, isn’t it? It is summer in the ATX and summer means warm.

So the Big Red Car is concerned about Amazon and its latest dustup with the publishing industry.

This is NOT Jeff Bezos, head of Amazon, though many think it may be him given recent behavior.

Continue reading


Legacy v startup cultures

Big Red Car here.  Nice, lovely crisp day in the ATX.  Going to be a beauty–move to Texas kind of wonderful.  But, hey, you already knew that.

So The Boss’s offspring are an investment banker and a startup graphic designer.  One foot in a legacy company wrestling with becoming a more timely enterprise and a startup going through adolescence.  Got The Boss thinking about evolving ways to run a business. Continue reading