
Entrepreneurial confusion and the fog of war

Big Red Car here.  Turning out to be a great day here in the ATX.  Sorry to be always bragging but, Hell, it’s true.  And, you know it, right?

So The Boss gets a phone call from one of his CEO clients — the fellow is feeling a bit of pressure and declares himself to be a bit frazzled.  WTF — frazzled?

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Mission, mission, mission — quick what is our mission?

Big Red Car here.  Going to be a nice day here in the ATX.  Bit cool this morning but this is one of the best times of the year — cool mornings, delightful warm afternoons.  Enjoy it.  This is why folks live in Texas.  On Earth as it is in Texas, ya’ll.  It’s more than a slogan.

So The Boss is up early this morning to have coffee with one of his CEO friends.  A successful startup entrepreneur and they get to talking about The Boss’s current focus on Vision, Mission, Strategy, Tactics, Objectives, Values, Culture.

I know you’ve seen it here.  I ‘splained the Vision Statement yesterday.  You know, That Vision Thing —  Read about it here. <<< click on link

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Weaving the Tapestry of Business

Big Red Car here.  Cool night and The Boss is up early this morning.  He loves a Saturday morning.  Pancakes and bacon, perhaps?  Bit of fresh 10W30, please pass the clean air filter?  Haha, Big Red Car, you crack yourself up.

So The Boss was musing about the “tapestry of business” — all the individual threads that must be woven together to make a coherent whole.  It is a structural notion that requires a strong core, a stout wearing surface and a lovely pattern.  It has to be strong, wear well and turn a pretty face to the public.  Most importantly, it has to be real and authentic.

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Organization of the startup and small business

Big Red Car here.  Turning out to be a pretty day here in the ATX and why not?  Bit of sunshine peeking through after some drizzle yesterday.

Well, the plants and flowers need it, don’t they?  They need it for growth.  Let’s talk about growth — growing the organization of a startup or small business.  Haha, Big Red Car, you are some kind of wag, aren’t you?

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Crawl. Walk. Run. and the Impatience of the Internet

Big Red Car here.  What a day in the ATX — brilliant sunshine, not a cloud in the sky.  Air clear and bright.  Nice and cool.  On Earth as it is in Texas!

So The Boss has been visiting with several of his CEO coaching clients and I overheard a conversation in which The Boss used the phrase:  Crawl, walk, run.  Hmmm, wonder what he meant by that?  The Boss has his favorite sayings indeed.

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The Sales Process

Big Red Car here.  Going to be a great day in the ATX, sunny and cool.  Happy Friday, ya’ll and please do be happy.  No stink eye for anyone today.

So The Boss was up early meeting with one of his CEO clients and they were chatting about the CEO’s company’s sales process.  Seems The Boss had had several similar conversations over the last couple of weeks.  Surprising really.

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