
A Look Back At The 2020 Election

Last night, the country rejected a lurch toward the left and San Francisco, California wokeness returning that resilent, fighting son-of-a-bitch Donald J Trump to the Oval Office in an embrace of “normal” and traditional American values. That’s my take on it. Use your own view of things.

It did turn over one rock and beneath it I see a troubling bit of conspiracy fodder. Here it is:

In 2020, Joe Biden received 81MM votes.  Continue reading


The Cheaters

It is the sunny morning of Election Day in Savannah By God Georgia. I have long since voted and I am at peace with the world.

Long lines of Trump supporters waiting to vote. #Garbage

Somewhere — many places I fear — evil people are hard at work trying to steal the election. They are all working for the benefit of Kamala Harris and against the interests of the American people. They are cheating you. This is an assault on the Constitution and our representative republic.

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