
Renting Votes and Forgiving College Debt

President Biden announced he is unilaterally — meaning without the joinder of Congress which is supposed to control the Federal purse — forgiving college loan debt of $10-20,000 (Pell Grants) for individuals making up to $125,000 or families making up to $250,000.

The Committee for a Responsible Budget scores this Executive Order as costing somewhere between $440B to $600B.

There has been both a huge outcry against and for this policy. Here are some thoughts.

The Facts

1. Total college loan debt is more than $1,750,000,000,000 – that is $1.75T. This is bigger than credit card debt in the US. Hello, America!

Credit card debt is about $850,000,000,000 — $850B — versus college loan debt of $1.75T.

Total auto loan debt in US is $1.45T. Continue reading


The Chinese/Mexican Fentanyl Invasion of the United States

As you are undoubtedly aware, the Biden admin has declared the US – Mexico border to be open and accessible to all peoples from the world over.

There is a bloody flood of illegal immigrants disregarding the legal pathway to immigration and inundating the border. This is as a result of the Biden policy of free flowing open border.

In accordance with that declaration, since Inauguration Day, the Biden admin has admitted more than 2,000,000 “refugees” seeking asylum — yes, they are all anxiously and diligently awaiting a court proceeding some 18-24  months in the future to determine their status. And, yes, they will appear. [This is sarcasm.].

Continue reading


Testing The Depth Of American Stupidity

Yesterday, the Consumer Price Index report came out showing that the CPI increased by 8.5% (seasonally adjusted) year-over-year. This means that the CPI is 8.5% higher than it was in July 2021.

Wages were 5.5% higher, so you only lost 3% in buying power. Haha. Sorry.

[I personally find this incomprehensible as every commodity and food stuff I look at is wildly more expensive over the last year than 8.5% — eggs are up by 40% — but that’s just me.] Continue reading