
Implications of the New Awakening for B2C Businesses

America is awakening from the Pandemic Slumber — some states like Texas and Florida are fully awake and have been for a short period of time. The rest of the other states are throwing off their Rip Van Winkle nightshirts and starting to stretch.

What is also happening is:

 1. People are no longer huddled in front of their computers (shout out to Netflix) 24/7 whilst imprisoned in their homes binge buying things from the ‘Net and Amazon.

 2. People are emerging to partake of restaurants, entertainment, travel, catchup family visits, going to delayed wedding receptions, and walks in the park with a vengeance giving rise to revenge expenditures of funds. There is an energy nigh unto a frenzy to get out and about.

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Patriotism, Nationalism — Explained

Having a chat with a chap — a great patriot by the way who served our nation with great distinction — the other day and we got wrapped in our underwear as to the implications of patriotism versus nationalism as it is used today in the national dialog.

What is patriotism, Big Red Car?

The first recorded use of the word in North America goes back to the early 1700s and became relevant to the Colonies in the 1770s when it was used to describe those men who would ultimately fight a war of revolution, a war of independence, against the British Crown who commanded the largest army and navy in the world at that time.

A patriot and his horse. General George Washington, later our first and second Presidents, was considered the finest horseman in the Colonies. He said his black manservant, William “Billy” Lee, was the better horseman and he, Geo Washington, was Number Two.

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Spouting Rock Beach Association

The Spouting Rock Beach Association  — ahhhh, can’t you just smell the sea air, the exclusivity, the elitism — is a lovely, private beach club located at 34 Ocean Avenue in Newport, Rhode Island. Founded in the 1890s it has only 500 member families who own equity in the club.


Idyllic, no? Exclusive? All white? Yes to all three.

Tell me you would not love to be a member of this traditional and chi chi beach club just like Sheldon Whitehouse who is also a member of another prestigious club, the United States Senate.

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COVID Unequal Burdens

COVID has killed 600,000 people in the United States and devastated the economy.

In spite of these facts, there are some who have suffered more/less and there are those who have prospered, as unlikely as that seems.

This graph shows an interesting impact on wages of different segments of the population.

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The Texas Cryptocurrency Love Affair Blossoms

The Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, a truly great governor, has signed into law something called the Virtual Currency Bill which began life as House Bill 4474 as sponsored by Representative Tan Parker a huge supporter and proponent of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.

The bill was considered by the Texas House of Representatives’ Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services Committee which revised the bill after extensive hearings and public input into a Committee Substitute Bill which they passed with bipartisan support in the middle of April.

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2020 Big IPOs — How Did They Do?

How did the biggest IPOs of 2020 fare as they rounded the corner into 2021, the change of administrations, the diminishment of COVID, and the burn off of any lock out periods for the original investors?

This “post lock out expiration” period is always an interesting bellwether.

Here are the 2020 IPO biggies:

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Thoughts On Voting

Chap sent me a thought provoking article on the state of voting in the United States. Thanks, GW. Here are the thoughts it provoked in the engine of your Big Red Car:

 1. One person. One vote. Verify the person. Authenticate the vote.

This line above is what honest people want as it relates to American elections.

If someone argues that any of those four tenets are erroneous, be suspicious. It is basic stuff like cornbread.

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Faught Service Company

Yesterday I had important folks over to the house. The prior night, the AC went out.

Faught Service Company, in the person of Mrs. Bonnie Faught, was booked, but found a tech to come fix my problem.

It wasn’t cheap, but damn it was quick. That is customer service. Same day AC customer service. Four hours from call to cold air. Most impressive.

Faught Service Company, Austin By God Texas: – 512-402-8886, Bonnie Faught. Tell them a Big Red Car sent you.