
Sexual Harassment — Big Red Rules — 2017 III Edition

Sexual harassment, Big Red Car? Huh?

Big Red Car here on a sort of cold, potentially gloomy day in the ATX. On Earth as it is in Texas even in the brrr of 50F winter. [Don’t cry for me, Argentina, 65F and sunny this afternoon.]

So, unless you have been living under a rock, you have been following the news pertaining to: sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, hostile work environments, bad manners — whew!

So, it looks like we need some Big Red Rules pertaining to all things sexual harassment.

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Predictions 2017 – Politics

Grading Predictions 2017 on Politics. Hello, America.

Big Red Car here on a sunny — going to be 75F today — Monday. Crisp in the mornings, warm in the afternoons. Ahh, On Earth as it is in Austin By God Texas!

Merry Christmas.

So, today we grade the Big Red Car’s 2017 predictions on politics.

How did the Big Red Car do?

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Duke Basketball

Who knew? Top ranked Duke gets beat 89-84 by unranked Boston College. It was a good game with Boston College shooting 57.7% from three-point-land while Duke shot 26.7%.

[OK, so the key to beating Duke is for you to shoot almost 60% on your three pointers while they shoot 25%? Haha, simple game plan, no?]


I am a North Carolina Tar Heels fan except when they are out of the NCAA tournament (they won it all last year) and then, I hold my nose, get a cider ,and root for the Dukies.

Still, it is nice to see #1 Duke getting beat like a rented mule by an unranked opponent.

I will be attending church this morning to celebrate and to thank God for His wondrous works.

But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car. Be good to someone  today who doesn’t expect it. It really screws with their minds. Hook ’em, Heels!