
Veterans Day, A New Beginning

Veterans Day after Election Day feels a little different to me. The Boss is a veteran as were both of his parents.  He is a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute — a hard place to be but a good place to be from.

VMI cadets

Every veteran in America is in a better position today than they were on Monday. We have a chance that the Veterans Administration will get sorted out and that we will have a Commander-in-Chief who will actually respect and act on behalf of veterans other than on Veterans Day.

I should have a lot more to say but that about summarizes it.

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Trump, The Election, Some Thoughts

Trump. President-elect Trump.

The election is over. Long live the election. Now, the winner gets down to the serious business of forming a government and beginning to convert campaign promises into plans and policies and then laws. Then, they have to govern and react to the world at large.

Already, President-elect Trump has met with the leader of the Senate and the Speaker of the House. He has met with the President.

When you know how to build 100-story skyscrapers, you learn to make timely and critical decisions.

The President-elect has enunciated a plan for his first hundred days. You can see it here: THE FIRST HUNDRED DAYS <<< hyperlink, click on it

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Trump, Anger and the Rust Belt

Trump won the Rust Belt, huh?

Big Red Car here on a day in which I am still feeling the glow of our new President-elect Donald J Trump. I voted for him though I admit it was by the process of elimination in that the other candidate was not a possibility.

I was not amazed that he won. For months, I have been saying that everybody has missed the anger which was demonstrated by the Republican sweep of the 2014 mid-term elections. It did not go away but it did fester.

America, in 2014, was so angry they gave the Republicans the Senate, a larger majority in the House, many Governors’ mansions, and many statehouses. It was the largest repudiation of a sitting President and his party since the 1920s.

President Obama chose to ignore it, instead whipping out his pen and cell phone resulting in a great number of Executive Orders which are slowly being dismantled by the courts and which will be put in their grave by the Trump administration (first time I have used those words together).

So, how, Big Red Car, did President-elect Trump pull this surprise off?

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