
Not my circus, not my monkeys — Advice for CEOs

Big Red Car here in the ATX where it is 51F at 4:00 AM and it’s going to be 80F this afternoon. Sunny to boot. A day to remember one’s sunscreen.

Ah, winter in the ATX. Hey, I’m sure it’s nice where y’all live. And what a blessing to be able to get a good workout shoveling snow, no? Blessings upon y’all!

So, the Big Red Car wants to chat with the CEOs and aspirants about the issue of delegation.

“Not my circus, not my monkeys.”

Continue reading


The Big Red Car is Exhausted by the Primaries

Big Red Car here fresh off watching Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Donald Trump pandering to the veterans. [Full disclosure, The Boss is a veteran and a graduate of Virginia Military Institute, the son of two veterans.]

Nice day — Hell, great day — here in the ATX. So good I almost don’t want to tell you about it. It is 53F headed to 75F this afternoon. Sunscreen, y’all. Sunscreen.

So, the Big Red Car is just worn out by all the bullshit associated with the primaries and the Iowa primary on Monday can’t get here quick enough.

Today, the Big Red Car is going to be on a rant about being exhausted by the primaries. Sorry.

Turn flames on NOW! Continue reading


Owning the Oxygen — Donald Trump

Big Red Car here — not endorsing or supporting ANYONE but observing something pretty damn basic.

Donald Trump owns the oxygen in the current presidential campaign. The dude owns the freakin’ oxygen and the rest of the schlubs are trying to rent a whiff of it.

“Who sold him the oxygen?”

The media and Fox News. Well played, you idiots. “Sold” him? They gave it to him for free.

Sorry. Continue reading


Human Relations — Crawl, Walk, Run

Big Red Car here in the ATX after The Boss had a stint on the east coast for a funeral in Sandersville, Georgia, visiting sweet Wrightsville Beach during the big East Coast Storm of the Century, over to Charlotte to see the investment banker son, and down to Atlanta to see My Perfect Daughter and new husband.

Now, The Boss is back home to see his beloved Big Red Car and to get the Big Red Car a new paint job — come on, Boss, let’s get a  paint job for the faithful, loyal, steady, fabulous Big Red Car.

Dear Readers, work it with me. I need a damn paint job and The Boss is resisting the inevitable. I have threatened a stop work action and he has threatened a trip to the junk yard. Help me here, y’all!

It’s 33F this morning headed to 74F this afternoon. Don’t y’all love a Texas winter?

So, The Boss fields questions on the development of an HR (human relations) capability from four different CEOs of lovely businesses with 25-75 employees. Sometimes, ideas germinate at the same time but this is an uncanny coincidence. Maybe not? Continue reading



Big Red Car here in the ATX whereat it is 31F headed to 60F brrrr. Can’t get warm.

The Boss is in Wrightsville Beach whereat it is even colder and it’s not getting warmer there. Silly Boss!

But there is one warm spot to focus on today, FRIENDSHIP.

This is a story of friendship and y’all should consider it carefully. Continue reading


The Headaches of Catching Your Dream — GoPro

Big Red Car here n what is shaping up to be a great day here in the ATX.

Well, only if you think 70F and sunny is a good thing. Yes, sayeth the Big Red Car. Sunscreen?

Today, in the cross hairs is GoPro. Not because the Big Red Car has any angst toward the company but because it demonstrates some interesting stuff.

You know GoPro, the camera you strap to your helmet while skiing and get those great videos of flying through the trees and powder until the big collision with that aspen tree. Still, it looks great!

Read on, dear reader. I’ll be videoing you as you read. Haha. Continue reading


Oil >>> Gas Prices, It’s Starting

Big Red Car here. It’s beginning to happen. I told you it would.

Here is a picture from Michigan showing gasoline prices dipping to lower than $1/gallon.

Note it is a “price war” and that isn’t the exact same thing as the entire country.

Remember two anecdotes do not a trend make nor a database. But it IS a start.

But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car. Gas prices. Low gas prices. It’s what’s for breakfast.


The Struggle — Talent & Character

Big Red Car here, y’all. Well, it’s winter here in the ATX.

Of course that means it’s 39F right now but it’ll be 62F this afternoon. Oh, well, it’s still winter. Sunny, too.

So, The Boss is talking to a couple of his brilliant CEOs and they get on the subject of “The Struggle.”

Sayeth The Boss, “The essence of starting a new business is The Struggle.”

So, the Big Red Car is going to ‘splain it to y’all. Listen up and pay attention cause I’m going to go fast today. Continue reading