
The Increasing Rate of Change

Big Red Car here.  The ATX is shining bright and the sun is out —- eeehaww!  Well, bit of overselling on the part of the Big Red Car as there a cloud deck at about 2,000 feet.  It is, however, 62F headed to 75F and when it is this warm this early that can only be a  good thing.

Just think — if YOU lived in the ATX, you would be warm, cozy and happy.  Of course, Chicago has its own merits.  [Haha.  STFU, Big Red Car.]

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Key Hiring Tips

Big Red Car here.  It’s right at 35F headed to 65F today.  Can’t wait for the sun to get into the game today.  [I’m tired of winter.  Hahahaha, Big Red Car, you don’t know about winter.  Those poor folks in the South are really suffering, so STFU already, Big Red Car.]

So The Boss has had several conversations with his brilliant CEOs about the issue of hiring key employees. Continue reading


Kung Pao Chicken State of the Union Speech

Big Red Car here and it is cold, cold, cold — 27F — here in the ATX.  Not to worry, going to be 70F tom’w.  [Big Red Car is hoping that damn forecast is right because it is cold.]

So I watched the President’s State of the Union speech last night.  It reminded me of kung pao chicken with brown rice.  I love kung pao chicken (shrimp and beef also).

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Radicals, Extremists

Tonight is the night, ya’ll.  The President is going to let us know the “state” of the Union.  Oh, boy.

I’m so excited that it is palpable. Hell, it’s cold here in the ATX — 30F right now and a bit drippy.  Roads are a bit icy.  Ugh.  But it’s going to be 70F on Thursday.

I can’t decide which I am more excited about — the State of the Union or the changing weather.  Oh boy! Continue reading


The Power of Excellent Graphic Design

Big Red Car here.  Hey, it’s damn cold here in the ATX and we don’t like it.  Where the Hell is our global warming today, Alberto?

So The Boss is talking to his Perfect Daughter — graphic artist for a well known eCommerce company in Brooklyn — and they get on the subject of the quality of the graphic design of a couple of related websites.

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The State of the Union — things you will NOT hear

Big Red Car here.  Ahhh, 75F today and The Boss was out walking the Town Lake Trail in the warm sunlight.  Nice to be back from NYC and the blizzard and cold temps, eh, Boss?

So, Tuesday is the night for the President’s State of the Union speech.  The Boss was musing about some stuff you surely will NOT hear in that speech, Old Sport.

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Ahh, The Boss is back in the ATX after having survived the NYC blizzard last week.  The Boss is feeling a bit better as the mercury hit 70F after an overnight low of 26F.  Wow, a 44F range, wow!  Going to be almost 80F — well at least 75F — today.  Ahh, the ATX and winter.

So The Boss is sitting with one of his brilliant CEOs in NYC last week and the conversation turns to that of things undone — regrets.

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