
Trust, Red Lines and Enormous Consequences

Big Red Car here.  Bright, sunny, wonderful Sunday morning here in the ATX.  Have to type fast because The Boss is at church and that is one of my prime times to use the computer.  He leaves it on for me.  I think.

So, I was watching the Sunday morning talk shows and gave a bit of thought to the issue of TRUST — how do you build it and how do you use it and how do you lose it?

Oh, this Big Red Car is a very deep thinker!  Haha, Big Red Car you crack yourself up, don’t you?

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Cutting costs is not rocket science — proof

Big Red Car here.  Kind of a gray and gloomy day in the ATX but big doings nonetheless.

The President is in Dallas for the opening of the George W Bush President Museum and in Waco for the West explosion memorial.  A high point and a low point.

These big happenings sometimes obscure the elegant simplicity of handling day to day affairs — such as doing the normal and mundane things that business folks do all the time — controlling expenditures.  Cutting costs.

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Organization of the startup and small business

Big Red Car here.  Turning out to be a pretty day here in the ATX and why not?  Bit of sunshine peeking through after some drizzle yesterday.

Well, the plants and flowers need it, don’t they?  They need it for growth.  Let’s talk about growth — growing the organization of a startup or small business.  Haha, Big Red Car, you are some kind of wag, aren’t you?

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