Asking For And Getting A Raise

Big Red Car here.  Ahhh, the ATX is just glorious these days.  Cool weather.  Bright skies.  Longhons crushing it.

Uhhh, well, two out of three isn’t bad, no?  Poor Horns.  But we did beat Oklahoma and that’s a huge deal.

So The Boss’s daughter, that would be The Perfect Daughter, was inquiring about how she might go about asking for and getting a raise.  As a typical young person, she was a bit anxious and worried that the economy would not support her request.  Silly rabbit!

She is ecstatic about her job and loves the people she works with.  The Boss thinks the company is a great company.  A huge success story.

She’s a damn good worker and has added lots of new responsibilities to her job description.  She is crushing it.  But still……………..

The Boss advised her and she got the raise and she is happy as a clam.  A big red headed clam to be sure but happy, happy, happy.

What advice did The Boss give her?

Well, The Boss put it in writing and here it is.

How to Ask for a Raise <<< link to PDF

For both employees and employers — that’s you, brilliant CEOs — this is useful information and as the Perfect Daughter demonstrated, it works.

For CEOs, how do you respond when someone asks for a raise?  This will give you an insight into the process.  Never, ever lose a damn good team member over money.

But, hey, what the Hell do really know anyway?  I’m just a Big Red Car.  Be kind to yourself, tonight’s Date Night.